In vitro testing for skin corrosion (OCDE TG341)
In vitro testing for skin irritation (OCDE TG439 and ISO 10993-23:2021)
In vitro testing for eye irritation – HET CAM (ICCVAM)
In vitro testing for vaginal irritation (SOP Mattec Epivaginal)
In vitro testing for Permeation studies of compounds in animal tissues (pork) or synthetic membrane using Franz cells or horizontal and vertical Ussing chambers (OECD TG438 and USP38)
In vitro testing for mutagenicity – Ames test (OCDE 471)
In vitro testing for genotoxicity – micronuclei (OCDE TG487)
In vitro testing for cytotoxicity (ISO 10993-5)
In vitro testing for photoxicity 3t3 Neutral Red Uptake (OECD 432) SEO: 3T3 NRU in vitro, OECD 432, Neutral Red Uptake phototoxicity assay GLP